EasyStreet PM
EasyStreet print media solution is an innovative integrated business solution for print media automation, it envisaged to automate various departments using the modules Advertisement, Circulation, Accounts, Payroll and Dashboard.

EasyStreet ERP
EasyStreet ERP, developed by years of experience and expertise of Comtech IT Solutions, is a feature rich and future ready business software you can readily relied upon. It provides an end to end solution for your retail business environment encompassing Inventory, Financial Accounting, Purchase, Sales, Payroll, Job Costing, E-Commerce, POS, Touchscreen Apps., etc. EasyStreet ERP can keep you well ahead of the competition and take care of your enterprise resource planning like never before.

The word Endoscopy is derived from the Greek words ‘endo’ meaning “within”, and ‘skopeo’, “to look” or “to view”. Simply then, endoscopy technique allows us to look inside the body enabling to form a reliable diagnosis. “Skopeo is a Microsoft Windows based application that can assist in scheduling patients, maintains case history and generating reports for patient records. The system is designed to offer enough flexibility to help with the expanding needs of endoscopy practice.
We develop

Today advances in technology have fuelled a swift transition from traditional paper based testing formats to computer based evaluation systems which has resulted in the acceptance of computer-based examinations as an effective means of academic as well as quality assessments. EXcom is a comprehensive intelligent tool for conducting computer-based examinations that generate adaptive and random questions with multi-media support, which conventional paper based examination cannot hold.

Comtech IT Solutions has come up with an application named POSTCOM, a Postal Automation project. Postal Automation is envisaged to computerize and automate the entire life cycle of postal system with the goal of, lowering costs, improving efficiency and generally providing better services to the citizens.